Tuesday 12 February 2008

Who am I following?

As a Boiler Room community here in Guildford, we have been going through the Bible in chronological order and reading it as a story. We call it God's Story, basically because it is the story of God revealing himself through time.

Anyway, we have now reached the climax where Jesus (the author in flesh) has come to earth to love, teach, serve, die and be resurrected (and I thought my life was complicated!). As we have started reading through the Gospel accounts again, I cannot help but stop in wonder at the person of Jesus. It feels like the more I read, the less I understand. Who is he? Is this the same Jesus I am following, or have I created my own personal Jesus who I find comfortable?

It has challenged me again to think soberly at what it means to be a Christian. A follower of the way. Who am I following? Do I spend time daily seeking Jesus? Asking Him questions, wanting to be near him? Or have I put him in a box somewhere, where I get him out once a week to talk to and then occasionally show him to others?

Who is it that we seek? Who are we following?

Take time to read the Gospels afresh. Ask the question, 'Who is Jesus?' and be prepared for Him to meet you in a new way.

A friend of mine gave a great talk on this recently. Check it out at this link.

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