Tuesday 9 December 2008

Who's got the world in their hands?

I was watching TV the other day, when a commercial for the Sony 'Playstation Portable' came onto the screen. The song they were using sounded very familiar, but at the same time, different. Then I realised what that difference was, they had taken the classic Sunday school song "He's got the whole world in His hands" and changed it to "You've got the whole world in your hands".

Now on the surface, this seems very innocent and a clever marketing ploy as they have used something that is familiar to sell their product, but sublimely there is a message here that goes right back to the garden of Eden.

In that garden, man fell into sin when they believed the lie that they didn't need God and that they were better off without Him. They sacrificed the opportunity to enjoy the world that God created, for the sake of chasing their own ideals.

Not too much has changed today, and everyday, people make choices that look to further their own kingdom as they chase the illusion of control and the idea that 'the whole world is in their hands'.

I'm not saying that Sony are the antichrist or that we should boycott their products (I quite like the PSP's), but this commercial was another reminder to me that we are confronted daily with the temptation to be something we can't at the cost of losing everything we could be if we acknowledge God for who He is.

He has the whole world in His hands!

I saw a great film recently, which had the theme of letting go of the perception that we are in control. It's called 'Instinct', and it's well worth a watch.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dan - I totally agree - that was exactly what I thought when I first saw that advert. You control your world - who needs God.
I think I feel a lot safer with the idea that the world is in God's hands as opposed to my own.